Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Designer Toy Camera

I saw a post by High Snobiety about how clothing lines and camera makers are joining forces to create cheap cameras and market them at a ridiculous price. I used to be a gear head and name brand type camera dude, but over the years I have seen photographers with expensive cameras creating expensive looking crap. I have seen photographers with old technology make beautiful stunning images. So really, why buy a toy cam for a ridiculous price, or purchase a Holga at a trendy clothing store for when you can purchase one that works the same for 15 bucks?! But for them avid collectors I understand, but if you think this will make your photography even better, I suggest to take that money and spend it on a work shop. I am one to admit, I collect old camera so I guess I need to practice what I preach?

1 comment:

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